Wednesday, December 31, 2008

I had a vision this morning....literally

So I was sitting on the couch this morning as part of my normal morning routine for weekdays when I have to go to work (it helps me wake up) and during this time (my angels call it my "gentleness time" btw, how cute is that!) I say my daily prayers, my daily law of attraction list, surround myself in the white light and give myself an angel reading. While I was doing the prayers I had a vision pop into my head of a man who was only wearing jeans squatting on a beach with a lake in front of him. It was something you would see if you went camping in the woods or something (although I would know nothing of this camping thing that people speak of being that I am a girly girl and have never gone camping...haha...but I digress). He was muscular and his hair was blonde and pretty long but not that long. He looked like a surfer, that sort of look. He also looks like what I believe that Archangel Michael looks like, except this man did not have the wings, but I'm current researching and learning more about the Archangels and I'm finding out that they will take on the look that most closely matches what you would feel most comfortable with or expect them to look, and this man in the vision is very similar to the picture of him on one of the Doreen Virtue angel cards that I have.


For the last few weeks I have been getting the same Archangel card pretty much everytime I give myself a reading, even when I'm not asking a question and just playing around with them. I have had some amazing things happen with these cards, but this is the strangest. I keep getting the same card at every reading, and it's from Archangel Michael. He is the "go to" angel and is especially helpful in career matters if you call on him. I have been very focused on him lately with all of my work woes. In order to have an angel help you with something, you must ask them. I have been asking him to either show up in my dreams or send me a message in my dreams on what to do about my job situation. I feel like I'm being given messages but I'm just not knowing for sure what they are exactly. So, just yesterday I was randomly looking on the Barnes & Noble website trying to see what books I want to get with a gift card I have and I ended up looking at Doreen Virtue's collection. I found a book specifically about AAM and luckily it was one of the few that you could "see inside", so I chose to look at the part for learning how to communicate with him. There was an exercise in there that has worked for others so I want to try it this weekend to see if I can get any clarification. Additionally, I have also been getting the "Beloved One" card showing up a lot lately in addition to another psychic seeing a man showing up in my life right now. So, these two subjects have been prominent for me lately.

So, after I had this vision this morning, and it stayed there for the rest of my couch time, it was now time to do my angel cards. All I do in the mornings is what's called "card of the day". It's quick and easy. I simply ask the Archangels what do they want me to know for the day and then I shuffle and split the cards. I choose to do it this way as opposed to pulling the card, but you can do it however you wish. The first card that I get was the Beloved One card again, just after having this vision. Now I have no clue if there's a connection and I'm not saying that there is but I just thought it was interesting. Could I have seen the man that will be coming into my life soon? Did my angels and spirit guides feel that I was ready to see him in a vision? Who knows. But it was interesting. I don't get a lot of clairvoyance going on, although it has increased and I hope it continues to do so. I mostly get things clairaudiently and my intuition has also increased lately (I guess you would call that claircognizance) where I've been having a lot of instances where I just know certain things. Or it might just be my spirit guides and angels helping me out. I don't know, but I love it.

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